Awareness, understanding, and expertise acquired in a specific domain
Delupis, D. D., Pisanelli, P., Di Luccio, G., Kennedy, M., Tellini, S., Nenci, N., Franco Gensini, G. (2014). Communication during handover in the pre-hospital/hospital interface in Italy: From evaluation to implementation of multidisciplinary training through high-fidelity simulation. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 9(5), 575-582. doi:
Goode, C. J., Lynn, M. R., Krsek, C., Bednash, G. D. (2009). Nurse Residency Programs: An Essential Requirement for Nursing. Nursing Economics, 27(3), 142-147.
McWilliam PL, Botwinski CA (2012). Identifying strengths and weaknesses in the utilization of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in a nursing program. Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(1), 35-39.
Schmitz CC, Chipman JG , Luxenberg MG, Beilman GJ. (2008). Professionalism and communication in the intensive care unit: reliability and validity of a simulated family conference. Simulation in Healthcare, 3(4), 224-238.
Basic Knowledge Assessment Tool
Toth, J. (2008). The Basic Knowledge Assessment Tool (BKAT). Retrieved from
Hoffman, O'Donnell, & Kim (2007). The effects of human patient simulators on basic knowledge in critical care nursing with undergraduate senior nursing students. Simulation in Healthcare, 2(2), 110-114.
Challenging Acute Nursing Event (CANE)
Walshe, N., O’Brien, S., Murphy, S., and Hartigan, I. (2011). Integrative learning through simulation and problem-based learning, Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 9(2), e47-e54.
Clinical Learning Environment Comparison Survey(used in NCSBN study)
Leighton, K. (2015). Development of the Clinical Learning Environment Comparison Survey. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 11(1), 44-51.
Campbell, S. H, Aredes, N. d. A, Bontinen, K., Lim, Y., DuManoir, C., Tharmaratnam, T., & Stephen, L. (2021). Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale© Short Form (GITCS©): Feasibility Testing in Canada. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 65, 7-17.
Foronda, C.L., Alhusen, J., Budhathoki, C., Lamb, M., Tinsley, K., Bauman, E. (2015). A mixed-methods, international, multisite study to develop and validate a measure of nurse-to-physician communication in simulation. Nursing Education Perspectives, 36 (6), 383-388.
Manojlovich, M., et al. (2011). Developing and testing a tool to measure nurse/physician communication in the intensive care unit. Journal of Patient Safety, 7(2), 80-84.
Critical Assessment Skills
Gibbons, S., Adamo, G., Padden, D., Ricciardi, R., Graziano, M., Levine, E., et al. (2002). Clinical evaluations in advanced nursing education: Using standardized patients in health assessment. Journal of Nursing Education, 41(5), 215-221.
Educational Practices Questionnaire (Student Version)
Information from the SIRC website:
A 16-item instrument using a five-point scale was designed to measure whether four educational practices (active learning, collaboration, diverse ways of learning, and high expectations) are present in the instructor-developed simulation, and the importance of each practice to the learner. Reliability was tested using Cronbach's alpha. Presence of specific practices = 0.86; importance of specific practices = 0.91
IP Implicit Association Test
A test of unconscious biases associated with nursing and physician roles through collaboration with the Harvard University Project Implicit.